
1. 引言

1.1 编写目的


2. 开发guide



  1. plugin应该仅依赖 github.com/meshplus/crypto 和go官方包进行开发
  2. go版本和配套使用的平台版本保持一致,目前(flato1.0.6及之前)是go1.15.6
  3. golang编译插件需要使用–trimpath编译选项
  4. 开发的插件名称(动态链接库的名称)应该有前缀 “plugin_

2.1 接口定义与说明

接口包可以从 https://github.com/meshplus/crypto 获取

2.1.1 插件对外提供的方法

func GetLevelArray() []crypto.Level{}

2.1.2 hash、随机数生成器、加解密等工厂接口

//Level priority of plugins
type Level interface {
   GetLevel() ([]int, uint8)

//PluginRandomFunc random function
type PluginRandomFunc interface {
   Rander() (io.Reader, error)

//PluginHashFunc hash function
type PluginHashFunc interface {
   GetHash(mode int) (Hasher, error)

//PluginCryptFunc symmetric encryption and decryption function
type PluginCryptFunc interface {
   GetSecretKey(mode int, pwd, key []byte) (SecretKey, error)

//PluginEncKeyFunc asymmetric encryption function
type PluginEncKeyFunc interface {
   //enter a raw publicKey and mod, return a VerifyKey
   //see GetVerifyKey's comment for the meaning of a raw publicKey
   GetEncKey(key []byte, mode int) (EncKey, error)

//PluginDecKeyFunc asymmetric decryption function
type PluginDecKeyFunc interface {
   //enter index or raw privat key to generate a DecKey, key will not be persistent
   // a raw private key is a big integer
   GetDecKey(key []byte, mode int) (DecKey, error)
   //enter raw private key, return index, key should be persistent
   ImportDecKey(key []byte, mode int) (index []byte, err error)

//PluginCreateDecKeyFunc create decryption function
type PluginCreateDecKeyFunc interface {
   //generate a DecKey, and return index or key in raw form
   //if persistent is true, key should be persistent and return index
   // or persistent is false, key should be persistent and output should in raw form
   CreateDecKey(persistent bool, mode int) (index []byte, k DecKey, err error)


//PluginSignFunc sign function
type PluginSignFunc interface {
   //enter index or raw privat key to generate a SignKey, key will not be persistent
   // a raw private key is a big integer
   GetSignKey(key []byte, mode int) (SignKey, error)
   //enter raw private key, return index, key should be persistent
   ImportSignKey(key []byte, mode int) (index []byte, err error)

//PluginVerifyFunc verify function
type PluginVerifyFunc interface {
   //enter a raw publicKey and mod, return a VerifyKey
   //a raw publicKey means:
   // 1) for sm2, key is 65bytes and in 0x04||X||Y form, see GMT0009-2012 7.1
   //      http://www.gmbz.org.cn/main/viewfile/2018011001400692565.html may help
   // 2) for ecdsa, key is in 0x04||X||Y. The length depends on the curve, for example,
   //    65 bytes for secp256k1 and 133 for secp521r1, see 2.3.3 in [SEC1] uncompressed form.
   //    https://www.rfc-editor.org/rfc/rfc5480.txt may help
   // 3) for rsa, key is in PKCS#1 form, see RFC2313 RSAPublicKey
   //    RSAPublicKey ::= SEQUENCE {
   //            modulus INTEGER, -- n
   //            publicExponent INTEGER -- e }
   //    https://www.rfc-editor.org/rfc/rfc2313.txt may help
   GetVerifyKey(key []byte, mode int) (VerifyKey, error)

//PluginCreateSignFunc create SignKey
type PluginCreateSignFunc interface {
   //generate a SignKey, and return index or key in raw form
   //if persistent is true, key should be persistent and return index
   // or persistent is false, key should be persistent and output should in raw form
   CreateSignKey(persistent bool, mode int) (index []byte, k SignKey, err error)



  • key参数的内容由插件解释,flato会从私钥索引文件中读取相关内容传递给插件。关于私钥索引文件的约定格式见下文
  • mode表示对应的算法,对于不支持的算法可以返回crypto包中定义的ErrNotSupport错误
  • 私钥索引文件的约定格式。所谓私钥索引文件是用于替代私钥文件的占位文件。该文件只有一行文本内容,由三部分组成,三部分间用空格分割,样例如下:
plugin sm2 3081a40201010430bdb9839c08ee793d1157886a7

第一部分 是固定开头plugin; 第二部分 是算法名称,为如下字符串之一:sm2、secp256k1、secp256r1、secp256k1recover,flato会解析得到算法类型后用mode参数传递给GetSignKey方法; 第三部分 是hex编码,flato会将hex解码后的字节数组传递给GetSignKey方法作为key参数。第三部分的具体内容和含义是plugin负责解释的,对flato透明,因此第三部分可以是密钥的名称,索引,密钥本身,加密后的密钥等等。


  • 如果key是crypto.None,则key内容是pkcs8格式私钥,DER编码
  • 如果key是crypto中定义的具体算法,则key内容是对应算法的私钥,但是解析方式由插件确定,对flato透明(因此可以是加密格式)
  • 返回值index是该密钥导入后的索引,对应GetSignKey接口的第一个参数
  • 该方法在falto运行的主流程中不会调用,但是未来可能在ipc中增加相应调用功能,帮助用户完成密钥导入。

2.2 接口实现demo以及具体说明

2.2.1 对外提供函数的实现

func GetLevelArray() []crypto.Level{
   return []crypto.Level{new(hashManager), new(randManager), new(cryptManager), new(verifyManager),
      new(signManager), new(signCreator), new(encManager), new(decManager), new(decCreator)}

本例中提供了所有类别的实现,实际插件可以仅仅实现其中的部分。例如如果仅仅需要签名验签,就只需要实现 以下几个就可以了。

return []crypto.Level{ new(verifyManager),
      new(signManager), new(signCreator) }

2.2.2 hash工厂实现

var priority uint8 = 2

func getGlobalLevel() uint8 {
   return priority

type hashManager struct {


func (h *hashManager) GetLevel() ([]int, uint8) {
   return []int{crypto.SM3}, getGlobalLevel()

func (h *hashManager) GetHash(mode int) (crypto.Hasher, error){
   return NewHash(mode)

1、其中GetLevel 函数返回支持的算法列表以及算法使用的优先级别,默认1最小,255最大。

2、GetHash 返回并创建一个支持的模式(mode)的 Hash实例。

2.2.3 随机数生成器工厂实现

type randManager struct {


func (h *randManager) GetLevel() ([]int, uint8) {
   return []int{crypto.None}, getGlobalLevel()

func (h *randManager) Rander() (io.Reader, error) {
   rd := NewHRand()
   if rd == nil{
      return nil, errors.New("no session open")
   return rd, nil

1、GetLevel 以及以下所有的GetLevel 说明参考2.2.2


2.2.4 签名工厂实现


type signManager struct {


func (h *signManager) GetLevel() ([]int, uint8) {
   return []int{crypto.Sm2p256v1}, getGlobalLevel()

func (h *signManager) GetSignKey(key []byte, mode int) (crypto.SignKey, error) {
   if key == nil{
      //return nil, errors.New("index nil")
      return GenerateHSm2PrivateKey(nil), nil
   if mode != crypto.Sm2p256v1{
      return nil, modeNotSupport
   priv := new(PrivateKey)
   priv.Curve = sm2Curve()
   priv.D = new(big.Int).SetBytes(key)
   priv.X, priv.Y = priv.ScalarBaseMult(key)
   return GenerateHSm2PrivateKey(priv), nil

var modeNotSupport = errors.New("mode is not sm2")
var keyFmtNotSupport = errors.New("key format is not pkcs8 of sm2")

func (h *signManager) ImportSignKey(key []byte, mode int) ( []byte, error){
   var priv *hSm2PrivateKey
   if key == nil{
      if mode != crypto.Sm2p256v1{
         return nil, modeNotSupport
      priv = GenerateHSm2PrivateKey(nil)
   } else {
      k := new(PrivateKey)
      k.Curve = sm2Curve()
      k.D = new(big.Int).SetBytes(key)
      k.X, k.Y = k.ScalarBaseMult(key)
      priv = GenerateHSm2PrivateKey(k)
   if priv == nil{
      return nil, keyFmtNotSupport
   return MarshalPKCS8PrivateKey(ToSm2PrivateKey(&priv.k))


1)GetSignKey 的key入参不是pkcs8的私钥,定义如下:

ecdsa、sm2 为大整数的大端序,例如10000 代表1万,而不是1

rsa key为pkcs1私钥格式

2)ImportSignKey 的key入参参照GetSignKey

ImportSignKey返回 []byte 为

3)如果key可以导出,则 key为pkcs8模式

4)如果key不可导出,则 key为实际的信息索引,例如gm0018所规定的 uint 值


type signCreator struct {


func (h *signCreator) GetLevel() ([]int, uint8) {
   return []int{crypto.Sm2p256v1}, getGlobalLevel()

func (h *signCreator) CreateSignKey(write bool, mode int) (index []byte, k crypto.SignKey, err error) {
   if mode != crypto.Sm2p256v1{
      err = modeNotSupport

   s := GenerateHSm2PrivateKey(nil)
   k = s
   if s != nil{
      index, err = MarshalPKCS8PrivateKey(ToSm2PrivateKey(&s.k))

2.2.5 验签工厂实现

type verifyManager struct {


func (h *verifyManager) GetLevel() ([]int, uint8) {
   return []int{crypto.Sm2p256v1}, getGlobalLevel()

func (h *verifyManager) GetVerifyKey(key []byte, mode int) (crypto.VerifyKey, error) {
   if mode != crypto.Sm2p256v1{
      return nil, modeNotSupport
   x, y := elliptic.Unmarshal(sm2Curve(), key)
   if x == nil || y == nil{
      return nil, keyFmtNotSupport
   pub := new(hSm2PublicKey)
   FromSm2PublickKey(&PublicKey{sm2Curve(), x, y}, &pub.k)
   return pub, nil

1、GetVerifyKey的入参key 定义如下:

ecdsa、sm2为公钥点x,y 的椭圆曲线序列化 elliptic.Unmarshal()

rsa 为pkcs1 公钥格式


3.1 插件自测


var msgHash = []string{

func TestHash(t *testing.T) {
   hm := new(hashManager)
   for i := 0; i < len(msgHash); i++{
      h, err := hm.GetHash(crypto.SM3)
      if err != nil{
      if !bytes.Equal(h.Sum(nil), gets(hex.DecodeString(msgHash[i]))){


3.2 hyperchain 接入测试

hyperchain 接入插件,需要修改hyperchain 配置文件。为使外部插件生效,如果为优先级模式,需插件的GetLevel为所有插件最大;指定插件模式,需指定当前插件。具体可参照密码机中间件的设计文档。



> NOTI [2021-02-22T15:01:38.772] [identitymanager] plugin/engine_external.go:84 start load external crypto engine: plugin_ceb.so

> NOTI [2021-02-22T15:01:38.834] [identitymanager] plugin/engine_external.go:100 crypto engine [plugin_ceb.so] have 1 function: [sign]

> NOTI [2021-02-22T15:01:38.834] [identitymanager] plugin/external_algo_select.go:105 crypto engine: external function [SignGet] for Sm2p256v1 from plugin_ceb.so is loading…

> NOTI [2021-02-22T15:01:38.834] [identitymanager] plugin/engine.go:406 loading a external crypto engine (plugin_ceb.so) finish

> NOTI [2021-02-22T15:01:38.834] [identitymanager] plugin/engine.go:409 external plugin loading info:

> [SignGet] : Sm2p256v1 -> plugin_ceb.so




3、插件名要以plugin为前缀,例如: go build - trimpath -buildmode=plugin -o plugin_pcie.so plug.go